Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week One Reflection

This week has been eye opening and also refreshing,  Action research happens every day in the classroom when a teacher re-evaluates the lesson that was presented and how to change it for the next class or for the next year.  It is comforting to know that this practice does not go away when a teacher becomes an administrator but it becomes more important in the success of the campus.

My action research plan deals with RTI and how Project Share can help with this task.  I am apprehensive about this project because of several things.  The biggest thing is time.  I don't seem to have enough time to complete the tasks that I am supposed to do, balance family and now add a new project to the mix.  I teach on the block schedule and only have a conference period every other day.  During this time, I am supposed to grade papers, make lesson plans and contact parents. In addition, I have taken over the coordination, planning and execution of the UIL District meet at the end of March.

I am excited however about using this techology and how to help my students.  I just hope my district will support me on this project and I will find the time to "get ur done".

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