Saturday, July 6, 2013

Web Conference Reflections for EDLD 5363

I will have to admit that the title of this course - Multimedia Video Technology - scared me a bit.  I quickly found out that I actually knew more than I thought.  I  also learned a lot about video production in this class.  The web conferences that I attended, and even those that I watched because I missed one, covered a mountain of information and helped me understand what the deliverables were on the class.  There was one that Dr. Abernathy even went into how to become certified through SBEC and the things to study in order to take the test.  I will definitely be looking into this more carefully this next week.  Google Hangout has been one of  the biggest and coolest part of this class.  I loved how my group was able to meet and plan with us spread across the state.  I have even passed this on to people I know in the corporate world.